We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping! An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes in front of screens per day compared to 6 hours of sleep per night.
Le saviez vous ?
8 hours and 58 minutes
We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping!
An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes on a screen per day, in a trend that keeps growing.
Vyséo support you for the health of your eyes
Know your eyes well, to take better care of them. Tips, tricks… we tell you everything!
Screen: How to protect your eyes
To work, stay informed, keep in touch with loved ones or simply have fun: screens are omnipresent, and the time we spend on them has an impact on our eyes.
Did your child get a tablet for Christmas?
Becoming one of the most popular computer tools in recent years, the touchscreen tablet is the star of Christmas gifts. With more than 50 million users worldwide
The "All-Screen" family
Coronavirus, lockdown, teleworking: this busy year has us more than ever in front of the screens! The time we spend this way has an impact on our eyes but also on our education.
Children in front of screens
To develop well, a child needs to have contact with others and do all kinds of activities.
Journées mondiales sans téléphone portable : le bon mobile pour reposer nos yeux.
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