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Sleep: why limit screen exposure?

Apr 18, 2023 | Eyes facing the screens

We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping! An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes in front of screens per day compared to 6 hours of sleep per night. It makes you wonder when our eyes have a chance to recover ... It is well known that sleep helps the body recover during the night  it also applies to the eyes! Prolonged exposure to screens disrupts sleep.   The brain confuses the blue light from screens with daylight, which delays the secretion of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and therefore falls asleep. So we give up our phone a few hours before bedtime  ! It is by pampering your eyes that you gain precious hours of sleep.

It is well known that sleep helps the body recover during the night  it also applies to the eyes!

Prolonged exposure to screens disrupts sleep.   The brain confuses the blue light from screens with daylight, which delays the secretion of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and therefore falls asleep.

So we give up our phone a few hours before bedtime  ! It is by pampering your eyes that you gain precious hours of sleep.