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Dry eyes - it concerns everyone!

Apr 30, 2019 | Dry eye

Tired, itchy, scratchy eyes? It’s most likely a dry eye problem..

And although known very little to the general public, we are all at risk of being affected by this condition. 

Why ? 

Our tears are protected by a lipid layer that lubricates the eye and prevents the tears from evaporating.

When this fatty layer is damaged, tears evaporate. This is the main cause of dry eyes (80% of cases).

Several environmental factors can destabilize the protective layer: Screens, pollution, allergies, air conditioning or wearing lenses..

What are the solutions? 

  • Réparer la couche grasse altérée du film lacrymal pour arrêter l’évaporation des larmes,
  • Add artificial tears, without preservative,
  • Take regular breaks when looking at a screen,
  • Increase the humidity of the air by reducing the air conditioning or heating,
  • Practive good eyelid and eyelash hygiene..

If symptoms persist, consult an ophthalmologist.