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Thermotherapy: what are the benefits for our eyes?

Oct 24, 2021 | Dry eye

Used for centuries by our ancestors, thermotherapy is a medical technique that consists of using a device inducing a temperature variation for therapeutic purposes and at all levels of our body.

Both hot and cold have analgesic effects. But when it comes to our eyes, they provide relief in very distinct situations.

Heat therapy: dry eyes, blepharitis, chalazion

How does the heat work?

The surface of the eye is covered with a greasy layer that protects it and prevents the evaporation of tears.  The fatty secretions that make up this layer are produced by meibomian glands, located in the eyelids.

If these secretions thicken, the Meibomius glands can become clogged. This is the cause of blepharitis, chalazions, dry eye.

In order to thin the fat secretions and reduce the obstruction of the meibomian glands, ophthalmologists recommend applying heat to the eyelids.

Cold therapy: Swollen eyes, dark circles, headache

How does the cold work?

Cold is often used in case of injury, swelling, swelling or headache due to its vasoconstrictor effect.

The contraction caused by cold followed by a reaction effect of vasodilatation promotes cell exchanges and blood microcirculation.

This is why applying cold helps to reduce swelling of the eyes or dark circles.

The Vyséo® Eye Maskreusable hot or cold, soothes and decongests the eyes in all situations.