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Le saviez vous ?

8 hours and 58 minutes

We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping!

An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes on a screen per day, in a trend that keeps growing.

Vyséo support you for the health of your eyes

Know your eyes well, to take better care of them. Tips, tricks… we tell you everything!

Dont forget your sunnies!

Protecting your skin from UV rays and thus skin cancer has become a reflex for almost all of us. But did you know that you are exposing yourself to eye pathologies such as cataracts or AMD if you don't protect your eyes from UV  ?

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Dont forget your sunnies!

Vous appliquez de la crème solaire pour protéger votre peau du soleil. Mais pensez-vous également à protéger vos yeux ? Les effets du soleil sur la cornée peuvent apparaître immédiatement,...

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