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allergies: no containment for pollens ! 

Apr 2, 2020 | Les allergies

The return of sunny days is unfortunately synonymous with allergies for many of us !
According to the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (R.N.S.A.),mild temperatures we are enjoying at the moment favor a very high concentration of pollens in the air ... and therefore a high risk of allergy in most of the country.

But faced with the potential danger of anti-inflammatory drugs and  corticoids  on the worsening of the Covid-19 infection, can we continue with our usual seasonal treatment?  

In the event of an allergic manifestation (itching of the eyes, tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids generally accompanied by allergic rhinitis or even breathing difficulties) it is essential toavoid self-medication and to make an appointment with your doctor in order to be prescribed an appropriate treatment.

Quelques mesures de précaution sont à prendre en ce moment :