Le saviez vous ?
8 hours and 58 minutes
We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping!
An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes on a screen per day, in a trend that keeps growing.
Vyséo support you for the health of your eyes
Know your eyes well, to take better care of them. Tips, tricks… we tell you everything!
So, what is dry eye syndrome?
Dry eye is a disease of the tears and the surface of the eye that causes symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbance, and tear film instability with potential damage to the ocular surface.
Sleep: why limit screen exposure?
We spend more time in front of the screens than sleeping! An adult spends an average of 8 hours and 58 minutes in front of screens per day compared to 6 hours of sleep per night.
Screen: How to protect your eyes
To work, stay informed, keep in touch with loved ones or simply have fun: screens are omnipresent, and the time we spend on them has an impact on our eyes.
Dark circles and puffy bags: where do they come from?
Do you turn into a panda as soon as you run out of sleep or have a busy week? The appearance of dark circles or bags is mainly due to poor blood circulation and lymphatic tissue dysregulation.
Did your child get a tablet for Christmas?
Becoming one of the most popular computer tools in recent years, the touchscreen tablet is the star of Christmas gifts. With more than 50 million users worldwide
Myopia: A global epidemic ?
Will everyone be myopic tomorrow ? Some explanations are here to see more clearly. Myopia disease is growing dramatically all over the world.
Par ces temps de fortes chaleurs la climatisation est devenue à tous notre meilleure amie ! Bien qu’elle soit d’un avantage certain pour maintenir notre corps à une certaine température par...
The little-known benefits of the sun
The sun is our only source of light on Earth. As long as you do not expose yourself directly or for a long time to its UV rays, it is a source of benefits, and here is how to take advantage of them.
Irritated eyes at the pool?
Swimming, diving, having fun in the pool are some of the best joys of summer. But the chlorine in the water can unfortunately pose minor inconveniences.
Dont forget your sunnies!
Protecting your skin from UV rays and thus skin cancer has become a reflex for almost all of us. But did you know that you are exposing yourself to eye pathologies such as cataracts or AMD if you don't protect your eyes from UV ?
Eat well to see well!
Certain nutrients play a key role in the health of our eyes. Keeping a balance diet also means protecting your eyesight.
Thermotherapy: what are the benefits for our eyes?
Used for centuries by our ancestors, thermotherapy is a medical technique that consists of using a device inducing a temperature variation for therapeutic purposes and at all levels of our body.
Children's eyes under the sun
365 days a year the sun emits rays that are harmful to the eyes, whether they are visible or not. These rays are threatening to eye health..
The "All-Screen" family
Coronavirus, lockdown, teleworking: this busy year has us more than ever in front of the screens! The time we spend this way has an impact on our eyes but also on our education.
Children in front of screens
To develop well, a child needs to have contact with others and do all kinds of activities.